Saturday, August 9, 2014

Historic Commercial Vehicle Association - Golden Jubilee Rally

On Sunday the 3rd August 2014 the Historic Commercial Vehicle Association (HCVA), which I have been a member of since the day I picked up 2413 from Tempe, held a rally to mark 50 years of the association which has had at it's heart the preservation and restoration of historic commercial vehicles.

While the HCVA established the Sydney Bus and Truck Museum (now Sydney Bus Museum) in the 1980's, the museum operations were split off in 2008. The focus of the HCVA are events for enthusiasts and private preservation and restoration projects (like mine hehe)

I was hoping to carry out 1930's engine transplant before the rally, however this was not to be, so instead the rally became the current engines last hurrah!
Some pictures from the day

ex 2304 NAMBUS at Olympic Park

The line up on the M4

Some sunnier photos of NAMBUS

 The convoy

MO 1964 alongside MO 4420, both former Fearnes buses

The line up on the road out of the Fire Musuem

All in all about 25 buses turned up for the day which was quite an exceptional number!

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