Tuesday, May 19, 2015

2413 progess

Over the past few months I have been starting on preparation for paint on 2413, both inside and out.

First off I spent an afternoon cleaning the walls and ceilings in the bus, however there was about 7 years worth of dust that had blown in - I only really cleaned the front area when 2413 was transferred from Terrey Hills to Oakville in early 2010.
Then I started removing all the interior signs (decals)

Some of us don't have the time to remove decals before painting......
The original "Stand clear of inward opening door" decal painted over

The decal that would have been applied during it's Corporate refurbishment

After which, I started to remove things that had been added since the early 1990's at least. The ticket machine post next to the cab and the drivers console stand. As well as the cab door alarm (probably the last modification added to 2413 in 2004) this was removed by following the wiring from the magnet switch that had been installed in the cab door stop, back around the cash tray and to where the squark box was located. I unscrewed the dash and followed the cable back to where it appeared out of the main wiring harness - as thick as your wrist with who knows how many wirings all  bundled together. I cable tied the 'loose' wire to another cable tie and secured the dash again.

The black conduit was added when the STATS system went in, in the mid 1990's, STATS is basically the ticket system used by the STA since the mid 1990s through to today (TravelTen and lately MyZone tickets), although as I type this, now it sits beside the new OPAL system. I'm not sure whether or not I should remove the conduit or not - or leave it.

Here's the look of the drivers area after I had finished

Eventually I'll remove the cash tray and replace the STATS green machine cut out so it resembles how they were before the green machines were fitted - also the rubber on top needs replacing and thankfully that style is still available!

Finally here is everything I removed - I'll keep the green machine fixtures incase someone else wishes to refit them on another project - but as far as I'm concerned, they're surplus

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