To start off with, 1930 and 2413 were joined by another mkII merc, nearly 12 months ago, 2199. Although how much longer it stays with me is another question, it's probably mechanically the best of the three sydney mercs I have, but the reason I have the other two is more a emotional thing, than a practical reason.
One problem I have had for a long time with 2413, aside from the excessive air intake on startup, and this problem became more pronounced with the departure from the yard of ex Westbus leopard m/o 5235, was that myself, DJ and RC have little bits and pieces stashed in these buses, 5235 had become a defacto shed and what was in there, ended up in 2413 because it was next to it. Then there was a falling out amoungst the wider group and for some reason, more stuff ended up in 2413.
I had often thought that it would be handy to have a back up engine and gearbox, then a need for a shed, something I would have no interest in running myself, an Ansair merc! Then I heard through the grapevine that some had become available down in Wollongong/Nowra, the one I ended up with had a reconditioned engine and transmission, mind you the roof is pretty rusty! (as is the rest of it). Ansair built these buses with mild steel frames, they rust, PMC mercs had galvitress frames - basically the frame is galvinised.
Here's a pic of it at the Nowra depot and then on the way back to Sydney - it performed great! Mechanically the best of the lot! Shame about the body....

My Plan being, empty out 2413, get it mobile again (fix the air problem once and for all) and fix a battery bridge that can be easily disconnected (and for 1930 too) , so the batteries don't drain between uses. Lately I had charged up 2413's batteries after they had discharged, only to try it again 3 days later and it was three quarters dead. Unfortunitely the electrical systems had been added to and fiddled with so much that they no longer behave properly and batteries drain. 2199 has the older style solid metal batteries and it still starts up first go everytime! (another great thing about the Ansair merc - a little old thing called a master switch)
1930 has it's own problems, at the moment, she has "armstrong steering" the braded pipe on the powersteering system sprung a leak and the fluid all spewed out, also a spring has gone in the accelerator (under the bus) so she doesn't idle properly
Who says it was going to be easy egh? ;)